
This blog as might be apparent from the title has to do with running, biking and basically other outdoor individualistic sports, sometimes extreme, such as rock climbing . But don't be surprised if you find articles on work, personal life, music and even philosophy, this blog is an exception in this aspect in the blogosphere of running blogs and I am trying to revamp the blog to make it more runner friendly. You might want to look at the sidebar titled 'categorised', which as is obvious, categorizes my posts into different areas of interest.
The other thing that might interest many people is a section on 'running videos' and 'general videos' on the side bar, which I keep updating now and then.
I plan to bring in more posts on running and biking, with some added colour, so as to make them 'complete'. That's about it for now.
As a post-note, I have run a half-marathon, but I am yet to attempt a marathon, which through some concerted effort and time should happen in the future, but that ofcourse is not the culmination of this blog, it would on the contrary be something to jumpstart this blog onto new vistas.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

kutty milestone

Today's kind of a kutty(small) milestone on the comeback trail. I ran 6kms today. Nothing to brag about, but its been a struggle the last few months to get back to running..from where I left off, and considering all that, its good that I am running atleast twice a week on an average and improving. The last time I ran longer than 6kms was on 21st January 2006 according to my running log..which was around 11kms..Yeah I was running big time that time..But somehow lost focus and ended up not running for months till July, when I started running again. My runs in July were a mere 2kms, you can imagine how much of a fitness I must have lost to be able to run 10 kms every other day to just be able to run 2 kms..That's what not running for 6 months does..And there is the psychological aspect to this of how bad a shape I am in..Its tough to go out and run when you are really low on would start comparing your fitness now and back then and that's not good at all. Anyway, I am trying to regularise my runs and making it a way of life again, so that I don't go off track in the future.


EP/ UK said...

nice. keep up the addiction.

Arbit said...

yep..grad life willing :D

Kennenisa Bekele with the WR

Robbie Mcewen and steve o'grady - The 'Nudge'